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投稿时间:2017/2/27 15:05:07     最新修改:2017/3/7 9:32:28     来源:中国国际剧本网www.juben108.com 
论文名:《To go into space MH370 abducted by aliens》
专业代写小品、相声、快板、三句半、音乐剧、情景剧、哑剧、二人转剧本。电话:13979226936 联系QQ:652117037

To go into space MH370 abducted by aliens

- aircraft lost in mystery

2017,1,17 official news: the horse boat MH370 underwater search action officially ended, Xu Jinggong she put the phone in a song,

"The horse boat to place" :

I hope the horse boat where you fish can fly on the sky

Set up the rainbow clouds for you

I hope the horse boat where you go to the stars into a jade Joan

Hope life through time and space


Content summary:
Malaysia Airlines hovering between life and death.2015 in July, 370 cabin crew duct families Jacquita Gonzales said "we in countless times the impact of the roller coaster experience gradually calm,... But in the heart, still hope that they can live in a certain place, "Jacquita's husband, Gomes Patrick, was MH370's cabin crew.
After two years of search, found the wreckage in several places, just suspected, with great uncertainty, it is still difficult to solve the mystery of the MH370 crash, so, in Malaysia Australia 2016,7,22 jointly announced the MH370 search will be aborted.
The MH370 passengers family statement: do not want to hear 99% of the affirmative, to 100% of the confirmation!
This means that the traditional expert "aircraft lost contact, the plane crash" idea, the conventional search from the provisions lost, fruitless;
Also notice, in the traditional "non FUO hijacking, to the space" break the conventional ways, that is expected to come true. Think, dense willow trees and bright flowers.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to decipher the November 2015 29 from the Milky way five unknown signal to people and 370 timely reclaim earth, hence the good wishes of the families of the passengers "loved ones still alive!

  • -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
    Carrying the MH370 passenger plane from 13 countries, 239 people, lost contact with the Malacca Strait in March 8, 2014 has been missing for more than two years!
    Over the past two years, I and the experts and scholars thought, two parallel road car, starting from a place, prevails along the way, not too intersection. Experts in search hard, your humble servant in silent thought.

  • (a), "UFO""
    Expert: aircraft lost contact after the state is still flying, engine data show that Malaysia Airlines flight 5 total flight hours (or 4 hours), it is enough to fly to Beijing time. The engine monitoring system during the flight also sends the information back to the ground. Also a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane "fold back" the rumors began to say "Malaysia Airlines should be crashed", "U.S. officials said the aircraft lost contact is likely to be at the bottom of the India ocean, but has no basis in fact without inference, is trust, and careful search and rescue did not find conclusive evidence of the wreckage. The aircraft lost contact and can not determine the ravine sea also, be sure the aircraft itself explosion, because of US intelligence said not to monitor the air signs of an explosion.
    I: so, what is the Malaysia Airlines 370 passenger plane where to go?! I repeated browsing in the complicated report, found that five or six days of search and rescue, it seems greatly apparently overlooked one important fact is the key to the plot, a plot that occurred in the "UFO" is an understatement, omissions, there is no breakthrough in the days of search and rescue. However not much description about "UFO" text, let me also some neglect, suddenly head in meditation. "Half the military said earlier that the radar UFO, Malaysia denied the incident that morning shot down UFOs, and can determine a friendly, non threatening, so did not take measures, otherwise it will notify the aircraft to take the necessary action." Liao Liaoshu, the "UFO" five word pinprick show in my eyes, actually Let me suddenly burst out of the magical whimsy to! My sixth sense immediately decided: Malaysia Airlines passenger plane is "people" of hijacking!!! "Alien", or is outside the solar system, "the universe" hijacked to the space of the universe to!!!

(two), three "time node"
Admiral, "our military scholar Luo aid research in three time nodes": the first time node 370 plane crash time is March 8 1 21 points; then Malaysian Air Force Commander Dawood said in 2 17 points, the military aircraft found a unidentified flying objects. Finally, he denied the. Later he confirmed, historicity, this is the second time node, the node is the aircraft by the Malaysian airspace; the third time node is he said, eight hours after the aircraft still in with the satellite signal, it flew 8 hours, indicating that the aircraft is lost, but it is not out of control, it is still flying.
I have quoted Luo three "time", combing my "guess" as follows:
At 0:00 on March 8, 48 aircraft take-off. 1:21 lost contact. Only flight 33 minutes would be stricken lost contact, for a skilled driver, the good performance of the aircraft is unthinkable things. Investigate the reasons for its lost contact, my "guess" is for "unidentified flying object", although military aircraft were found to be after 56 minutes. Why are still flying eight hours later, the plane is still with the satellite has relation to the signal. This is because although hijacked but don't leave the atmosphere.
Malaysia Airlines aircraft lost contact until may turn reentrant plot, and extraordinary changes in altitude, aircraft control of airspace radar depth quite understand, super high and super low flying is to evade radar tracking. And several times to change course. All these show that the aircraft itself and no fault, just industry has been identified as the "hijackers" interference, plane exist control and anti control continue to contest.
"UFO" (alien) not only confirmed there, and is within three key time node ". Within third time nodes, abnormal situations (the U-turn, reentry) on the plane, if the idea is for personnel, can be explained through, caused by after eight hours of flight and the non disappear without a trace, as is the alien aircraft personnel! Because of hijacking, twelve days on earth" successfully hijacked, not people live and die machine; failure to destroy, can not see the wreckage. That is to say, to make the plane disappear on the earth, the earth is fundamental no one can do. Because most of the ordinary civil aircraft and military aircraft are unable to reach such a high "cosmic speed", to get rid of the earth's gravity, leave the atmosphere smoothly to reach beyond the solar system. This kind of space to space travel, only Hijack the aliens could have done it. They can Malaysia Airlines aircraft operator uniforms, quickly Malaysia Airlines passenger plane subtly connected with the "UFO" into a whole, will run out of fuel on the plane firmly "tied" and in accordance with their intention to "drag" the fly away. Therefore, the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, has been "unidentified flying object" (aliens) to their hometown, the space of the universe a planet, is not a figment of the imagination, but according to the inferred!

According to the 2016,11,5, phoenix TV reported: netizen plane photographed giant UFO is bigger than the mountain. Thus you can imagine, just a civilian planes, don't have to force of blowing can easily going to hijack!!!!

Unless in the future sometime, somewhere on earth, there are long-term hidden Malaysia Airlines aircraft, or find the explosion or crash wreckage!

(three) who hijacked the plane
Expert: five days later, the authorities lost contact with the aircraft may be "hijacked" reported today, clear "is one of the one of the pilots or other hijacked people driving experience, but still do not know temporarily hijacking motives, and why would choose Malaysia Airlines passenger plane. But he stressed, hijacking, is not speculation, but the conclusion."
In the expert "hijacked" mentality and I am. Just be agree without prior without previous consultation, "hijacked" who is with me, be quite different.
First official reported that the plane lost contact with the aircraft was hijacked. The aircraft lost contact with the seven days, from the plane's fuel this simple
Common sense is concerned, obviously in energy plane is gone, difficult to continue flight conditions, in view of this, or is lost
The plane has landed safely, or is undoubtedly unfortunate crash! However, rescue a week, neither found any of this aircraft landing
The clue of beads Sima and no enough evidence to search out the debris machine crash, it is lost to aircraft without a trace, personnel
Life and death two boundless! And, in general, the usual human "hijacking", no matter what the purpose, "hijacking" is more
With and be "hijacked", fearful machine die; even "hijacked" success, seven days time scale,
Large scale, high-tech rescue, should grasp the landing range of clues. Because the world has grown to become the earth science and technology "
The global village ", its proximity to the South China Sea, East China Sea, even the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, but also such as near the village of rivers and lakes. Unfortunately, has not yet been any landing signal! In view of this, this idea is some ability not equal to one's ambition to reluctantly, its credibility is minimal.
Indeed, the aircraft lost contact literally should be irresistible factors in, but we must from the traditional point of view, to non conventional direction to consider.
I guess if in accordance with the idea, the aircraft lost contact is "alien" or "universe" to "hijack", the explanation seems to be the mystery disappears, much more smoothly. From the high-tech detection equipment to the so-called "UFO", in fact, is perhaps the "alien" or "universe" or itself the carrier, but our "Earth people" used to see his mortal image, and they can not assert that they absolutely ignorant of it. The four-dimensional space of "people", the people of earth and three-dimensional space are quite different. Some plants on earth odd tree, to melt, phagocytosis of violation of its animal; Cordyceps "that is a worm in winter, summer grass; the ancient Knight came and went without a trace, let a person feel the magic; and" alien "or" universe "is a shadow tangible, a trace to trace, they move on more people feel the magic A whirling, magical unimaginable! Malaysia Airlines passenger plane lost contact and turn the reason, experience, because the "alien" or "universe" caused by unexpected hijacking. Unfortunately, his whereabouts from the outset we ignore. So I guess, Malaysia Airlines 370 passenger aircraft has been in a cosmic space a planet safe landing, 200 passengers and crew safe and sound life. They like our earth inadvertently in the primeval forest caught a group of obscure rare animal that was brought home to put in the cage. Confused and disoriented to stay there, "the alien" or "universe" as the monster watch about a strange and eccentric, and research a mile.
I guess this is of course, is excluded from the usual bold guess many kinds of situations. This is my obscure plain
The son of the aircraft lost contact guess, of course, can not be with the father of the great mathematics of Chen Jingrun Goldbach's famous "conjecture" on the same day and
Words, but today, I was more determined (not dare to believe) this "guess", because I do not want to listen to
We heard the news of the brethren of earth. Now we can only wait for the final to confirm or deny the truth of my guess
Want to.

(four) terrorist hijackings, difficult to set up
Expert: on the tenth day, reported and confirmed on the plane without any explosives. Aircraft height of the ultra conventional or "faint" machine, so that the loss of consciousness, to stop using a mobile phone to send an alert to the ground staff. Also identified, after the aircraft lost still flying 7,5 - 8 hours. By government and judgment already excluded air explosion and crash, "sea", has the possibility of "terrorist successful hijackings" tilt. And "hijackers" is "Earth people" in the plane.
I: Malaysia Airlines 370 aircraft to a safe landing, will need to satisfy a condition, that is to "dawn"! But the investigation of several areas lost when possible landing, and it is still in the pre dawn darkness. Even though there may be landed on the island airport, remote small airport or Military airports, how to hide after landing? How to accommodate passengers or "hostages"? It is hard to imagine a proper way to compare works. And these are beyond technical field, enter the political scope of insider trading complex, it is not easily predicted things. Besides, the light is on this huge monster Malaysia Airlines 370 the plane, and more than and 200 fresh life ten days of daily life, to be hidden into the unknown, it is impossible, impossible. Also, more and more clues pointing to "terrorist hijacking", but did not get Clues to any organization or individual appeal, organize the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks, in Malaysia Airlines flight 370 lost contact with the first ten days, about who hijacked the plane, the plane where, there is still no a specific point, it seems somewhat justified the.

(five) it is impossible to go to the South Pole.
Expert: according to the 2015,2,25 news: Malcolm Brenner, is the world's top aviation disaster experts. Since the disappearance of flight MH370, Brunner team led the investigation research, trying to unravel the mystery of the missing aircraft. Recently, their investigation has made an important breakthrough. "This special plane crash has attracted the world's attention. This is I have seen in the past 40 years of occupation career." Brenner said, his team found that the analysis of satellite data, MH370 aircraft lost contact after flying for hours, "the last one on the radio and control center, MH370 Po three bends in the air, the first two are continuous turn left to lead the aircraft to fly routes West, then south to the Antarctic to fly."
I went to the south pole of the MH370 how many possibilities for the two aspects of thinking.
The Chinese from the pole is half the earth's distance (i.e. 1,8 million km); the Antarctic continent recently 0,95 million km; Beijing to China Zhongshan Station 1,2 million km; Beijing to the Great Wall Station 1,7 million kilometers away from the mainland China. Airliner cruising speed of 900 km / hour.MH370 off the confidential Feida Antarctica, at least more than eleven hours time. And the fuel in the aircraft is clearly not enough; moreover, Brenner says "aircraft lost contact after also flying hours," visible did not reach over Antarctica, abducted by aliens 370 aircraft has been put off toward the earth space to fly the!
"Report of the Australian Department of Defense Science and Technology Group officially confirmed that lost before the power failure leads to 370 of two automatic report system and other key function failure, resulting in the cockpit of panic." "had only five hours of flight spent 7 hours and 38 minutes". How can that do not conform to the common sense of judgment to it? One is impossible to stick to more than seven hours of flight, the second is panic hours on the plane, how can not escape by parachute?? furthermore, "the report said and had widely rumored that the Department of aircraft intentional landing said law contradiction."
Second, even if luck can be flown Antarctica, where will it land? The Antarctic is not the airport, the key is to find a wide berth aircraft, and even in some places, thermal airplanes is likely to melt the ice, causing the chassis instability, crash, so no one believes in the establishment of the airport is a good decision. Ross Mike Moldow of the United States Antarctic Island Station, wearing a fur Parka passengers down the C-17 transport. The airport is the world's 7 seat ice is one of the most feared airport, even in the best case, this simple airport is in an unstable state, and to bring no small difficulty. So a large passenger plane carrying two hundred people, you will find it hard to imagine there will be safe in landing. Besides, is still alive, put so much debris, search and rescue forces, nearly a year's time In the past, why have not been found in the Antarctic it?
Thus I am confident that experts breakthrough on my "guess" does not constitute any degree of challenge! Because from their "MH370 in the air for three times the left corner, then south to the Antarctic to analysis" that is still my "guess" in "unidentified flying aircraft" there was hijacked lost, lost control and was wrapped up ". Therefore," striking one snag after another "breakthrough" only marked the way, hijacked MH370 passenger choice toward the south south pole left the earth, does not have that eventually lost to aircraft to any South Pole. Not to mention what is "important" and "breakthrough" progress. In short, Brunner experts they still failed to do so "unlock the mystery of the missing aircraft"!

(six), "missing" and "crash"
Expert: MH370 lost, missing, whereabouts a mystery 300 days, Malaysia civil aviation bureau director Aziz Halu Ding, according to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (i.e. "Chicago Convention") annex the first chapter of the "aircraft missing" explanation "in the official search work has been completed still can not find the wreckage, that the aircraft disappeared in January 29th." 6 pm, the state broadcaster TV1 reported on the latest progress of the MH370 event, announced that Malaysia Airlines MH370 plane crash, which means that the accident has happened. All 239 passengers and then presumed machine (including 154 China citizens) and the crew had been killed. However the report still clearly "unfortunately, the 327 day since all efforts still did not find the aircraft position"
Earlier, in late March 24, 2014 10, Malaysia Airlines held an emergency press conference, said that according to the maritime satellite Inmarsat and the British air accident investigation bureau, the flight lost contact with the end in South India ocean, the survey took a hitherto unknown analysis method, the statement triggered international media a question. In fact, the "end" (end) is a very vague statement, it is not equal to the "missing" (lost), is also different from the "crash" or "crash" (crash) (accident). The Malaysia Airlines used such a statement, the reason is very complicated. One important factor is solidbacking corresponding to the use of foreign legal concept statement, not found in the wreckage of the situation to determine whether the crash incident itself is a very difficult thing.
Your humble servant: aircraft lost, missing and crash, the plane of the three kinds of safety state. According to the definition of < International Civil Aviation Convention > attachments 13< aircraft accident and accident Symptom Survey >, and has still not found the reality of the aircraft position "it seems, I think, 370 aircraft is still only in the missing state, did not reach the degree of" crash "" accident has occurred and! Therefore I want to say, this "machine of all 239 passengers and crew have been killed," the conclusion, there is no any basis too early.
If further according to I guess thinking to make a judgment, 370 is unidentified flying objects (aliens) hijacked to the space of the universe on a planet to a safe landing, thus 370 is still only in the state of lost contact, not missing, but not crash.

(seven) conjecture is expected to come true
Successively by 25 countries participation, which lasted more than two years, the use of underwater acoustic detectors, underwater navigation equipment "bluefin tuna - 21" search, wreckage found in Reunion Island indeed and 370 with a model of a Boeing 777. But such models has had four serious accident. Can not be identified is mh370.
In Mauritius found wreckage almost certainly came from Malaysia Airlines 370 aircraft. Almost certainly? "Almost" meaning is: will be near; close to; nearly. With great uncertainty. Compared to that found in South Africa in the south of the town of Mossel Bay near the coast of a piece of wreckage is suspected mh370. And only by one or two pieces of uncertainty remains, is still difficult to unravel the 370 lost contact with the mystery.
As the saying goes "ship does not see the needle on the ship seeking", according to this simple truth, searching for more than two years, 370 aircraft is still no any compelling clues, can be said that the earth would have no trace of it, even had no show that it still on earth any signs and clues. It is so far no practical questions.
Today, humble although not on their own "guess" provide any conclusive evidence. However, developments did not any can I guess plot basis; as long as the earth does not appear to be hidden Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, or can not find the explosion or crash wreckage, I guess, have a become difficult to rule out the possibility of true whereabouts of a great possibility.
Therefore, according to my "guess", Malaysia Airlines 370 aircraft has two years ago, known as the "UFO" hijacking, has in the space of the universe on a planet to a safe landing, two hundred passengers and crew has in the new environment, safe life more than 700 more on the ball!
Thank God for letting me "guess" withstand the test of time for more than two years, I guess has become the true maximum likelihood.

(eight) information from the outside of the Milky way
There are a lot of news reports about UFO in recent years, such as:
The telescope receives 5 unidentified signals, or from the outside of the galaxy.
On 29 November 2015 according to reports in the Daily Express English < > (Daily Express), Australia New South Wales Parkes radio telescope received double radio signals with four single signal, to analyze the signal of astronomers confused.
The global past only recorded 11 unknown instant radio pulse.
Found this signal team one of the University of Melbourne Xuan bin Pan Cuifu (Petroff Emily) believes that the source of the signal may be more noteworthy than in the past.
She tweeted: "we don't know what it is, but it's very cool"
"UFO Investigation Handbook" (UFO investigations manual) author Watson (Nigel Watson) said: "from outer space of each rare signal have prompted us to conjecture, whether from an alien civilization."
Watson said: "this is absolutely let UFO observation have the opportunity to say, is that there are aliens, and to us very interested, you just don't believe it." (Taiwan United Daily News compile)
Previously, 2015-08-14 84 year old Mitchell told British < daily mirror network > "extraterrestrial intelligence in this area very interested." they want to see our military capabilities and tried several times to stop us war, earth to help maintain a state of peace. "" in the Pacific naval bases along the officer told me, their missiles are often downed alien spacecraft. Mitchell had previously said, he imagined alien appearance and traditional small, big head, eyes image is similar, and that our technology is far less than that of the alien advanced, if they have hostile, mankind would perish.
Lenovo slightly, the that after a lapse of one year and eight months, from outside the Milky way, let the experts temporarily unable to decipher messages (5 unidentified signal), greatly touched my sensitive nerves, always feel nine times out of ten is 370 hijackers -- aliens about 370 aircraft and 239 personnel informed or contact signal. Therefore, there is an urgent need to decipher from outside the Milky way the extraordinary, essential unknown signals to and alien contact, and steadily will and 370 timely reclaim earth, hence the good wishes of the families of the passengers "loved ones still alive!

(nine) the proposal to open a new research topic
Actually, "aliens" or "universe" hijacked aircraft not enemies of people on earth, it can be said, not necessarily for any malicious, just "we (the earth) is interested in", had never seen the MAS 370 aircraft feel curious and trifle cite, or sometimes just a hoax, although the earth for us to bring inexplicable, the unintended consequences of disaster and panic.

I hope the relevant countries and the international community to this rare aircraft lost contact events, two pronged strategy. That is, don't give up in the search and rescue at the same time, with the international level research center jointly carry out the mysteries of the universe and the "alien", "universe" communicate scientific research task, therefore, we must as soon as possible to urge the Malaysian side to open the "UFO" the status and whereabouts, especially with what appeared on it easily identified as "friendly, non threatening" conclusion careful review, immediately make a detailed description, and then carry out careful research. In fact, with the aircraft lost contact and the emergence of the "UFO" still, not by the international community, experts and the media attention, even the least attention has never had, I was very puzzling.

Author Xu Huasheng 2017,2,20,
China Anhui province Wangjiang County Finance Bureau dormitory is Lane No. 4-7
Tel: 18297730940

About the author:

Xu Huasheng, pseudonym Leilei, 43 years old, male, Anhui Wangjiang people. College culture, the economist, the fifth county CPPCC members. Former level Kaoban director, vice president of accounting school letter, the Secretary-General Association of Abacus Financial Bureau and other staff. He loves music, good folk instruments. Amateur opera accompaniment engaged, promote national essence. 1978 literature, poetry published hundreds of articles four (first). Collection "love love wave Tao", Beijing Publishing; anthology "Blue Dream", Haikou published. Two books have been collected by the national, provincial, municipal and county levels library. Communication set "glow of geese fly together," published by the Jilin University press release, poetry couplets set "humble pen described Shenzhou" published by Taiwan Lingling Press. "Manufacturers have some works income" Wangjiang County, "Hong Kong, China Economic Publishing House made" Chinese contemporary technology galaxy of talent "," Chinese expert pool "," contemporary Chinese Book of Songs "and" sing the new song of the century "and other more than twenty large dictionaries and poetry collection.
















马航MH370生死未卜。20157月,MH370客舱乘务总管家属Jacquita Gonzales说:“我们在无数次经历过山车般的冲击后逐渐平静,….但心里,仍希望他们能在某个地方活着。”Jacquita的丈夫Patrick Gomes曾是MH370的客舱乘务总管。













鄙人:那么,马航370客机究竟是到哪儿去了呢?!我在纷繁复杂的报导中反复浏览时,发觉五六天的搜救,似乎大大地明显地忽略了一个重要的事实情节,一个堪称关键的情节,那就是出现过“不明飞行物”,在轻描淡写中被疏漏,致使数日的搜救没有出现突破性进展。然而记述不多的有关“不明飞行物”的文字,让我也几番忽略后,猛然驻目沉思半日。“军方称早前雷达发现的不明飞行物,马方否认事发当天凌晨击落过不明飞行物,并可确定是友好、无有威胁的,因此没有也不会采取措施,否则会通知战斗机采取必要行动。”廖廖数语间那“不明飞行物”五个字针刺一样展示于我眼前,竟让我突然迸发出魔幻般的奇思妙想来!我的第六感迅即断定:马航客机被“人” 劫持了!!!被“外星人”、抑或是太阳系以外的“宇宙人”劫持到宇宙太空中去了!!!












先说官方报导的失联客机被人劫持”。 客机失联已七天了,从飞机上的燃料这个简单





















专家:据2015,2,25讯:马尔科姆布伦纳,是航空灾难领域的世界级顶尖专家。自马航MH370失踪后,布伦纳带领其团队展开调查研究,试图解开客机失踪之谜。最近,他们的调查取得重要突破。“这起奇特的空难事故吸引了全世界的注意力,这是我在过去40年的职业生涯中前所未见的。” 布伦纳说,他的团队分析卫星数据后发现,MH370客机失联之后还飞行了好几个小时,“与管制中心进行最后一通无线电通话后,MH370在空中拐了三次弯,最先两次是连续向左拐引领客机飞航线以西,然后南行向南极飞去”。






















《澳望远镜接收到5个不明信号 或来自银河系外》

20151129据英国《每日快报》(Daily Express)报导,澳洲新南韦尔斯帕克斯无线电望远镜接收到双重无线电信号伴随着4个单信号,让分析讯号的天文学家感到困惑。


发现此信号团队之一墨尔本旋宾科技大学的潘崔夫(Emily Petroff)认为,信号来源可能比过去更值得注意。


“幽浮调查手册”(UFO Investigations Manual)作者华生(Nigel Watson)说:“来自外太空的每个罕见信号都促使我们猜想,是否来自外星文明。”



此前,2015-08-14  84岁的米切尔告诉英国《每日镜报网》“地外智慧生物对这个地区很有兴趣。“他们想了解我们的军事能力,而且数次试图阻止我们发动战争,帮助地球维持和平状态。”“在太平洋沿海军事基地工作的军官也告诉我,他们的导弹经常被外星人飞船击落”。米切尔此前曾表示,他想象中的外星人的容貌与传统的小个、大头、大眼的形象是类似的,并称我们的技术远远不及外星人的先进,如果他们有敌意,人类早就灭亡了。



















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投稿时间:2017/2/27 15:05:07     最新修改:2017/3/7 9:32:28     来源:中国国际剧本网www.juben108.com 
论文名:《To go into space MH370 abducted by aliens》
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To go into space MH370 abducted by aliens

- aircraft lost in mystery

2017,1,17 official news: the horse boat MH370 underwater search action officially ended, Xu Jinggong she put the phone in a song,

"The horse boat to place" :

I hope the horse boat where you fish can fly on the sky

Set up the rainbow clouds for you

I hope the horse boat where you go to the stars into a jade Joan

Hope life through time and space


Content summary:
Malaysia Airlines hovering between life and death.2015 in July, 370 cabin crew duct families Jacquita Gonzales said "we in countless times the impact of the roller coaster experience gradually calm,... But in the heart, still hope that they can live in a certain place, "Jacquita's husband, Gomes Patrick, was MH370's cabin crew.
After two years of search, found the wreckage in several places, just suspected, with great uncertainty, it is still difficult to solve the mystery of the MH370 crash, so, in Malaysia Australia 2016,7,22 jointly announced the MH370 search will be aborted.
The MH370 passengers family statement: do not want to hear 99% of the affirmative, to 100% of the confirmation!
This means that the traditional expert "aircraft lost contact, the plane crash" idea, the conventional search from the provisions lost, fruitless;
Also notice, in the traditional "non FUO hijacking, to the space" break the conventional ways, that is expected to come true. Think, dense willow trees and bright flowers.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to decipher the November 2015 29 from the Milky way five unknown signal to people and 370 timely reclaim earth, hence the good wishes of the families of the passengers "loved ones still alive!

  • -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---
    Carrying the MH370 passenger plane from 13 countries, 239 people, lost contact with the Malacca Strait in March 8, 2014 has been missing for more than two years!
    Over the past two years, I and the experts and scholars thought, two parallel road car, starting from a place, prevails along the way, not too intersection. Experts in search hard, your humble servant in silent thought.

  • (a), "UFO""
    Expert: aircraft lost contact after the state is still flying, engine data show that Malaysia Airlines flight 5 total flight hours (or 4 hours), it is enough to fly to Beijing time. The engine monitoring system during the flight also sends the information back to the ground. Also a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane "fold back" the rumors began to say "Malaysia Airlines should be crashed", "U.S. officials said the aircraft lost contact is likely to be at the bottom of the India ocean, but has no basis in fact without inference, is trust, and careful search and rescue did not find conclusive evidence of the wreckage. The aircraft lost contact and can not determine the ravine sea also, be sure the aircraft itself explosion, because of US intelligence said not to monitor the air signs of an explosion.
    I: so, what is the Malaysia Airlines 370 passenger plane where to go?! I repeated browsing in the complicated report, found that five or six days of search and rescue, it seems greatly apparently overlooked one important fact is the key to the plot, a plot that occurred in the "UFO" is an understatement, omissions, there is no breakthrough in the days of search and rescue. However not much description about "UFO" text, let me also some neglect, suddenly head in meditation. "Half the military said earlier that the radar UFO, Malaysia denied the incident that morning shot down UFOs, and can determine a friendly, non threatening, so did not take measures, otherwise it will notify the aircraft to take the necessary action." Liao Liaoshu, the "UFO" five word pinprick show in my eyes, actually Let me suddenly burst out of the magical whimsy to! My sixth sense immediately decided: Malaysia Airlines passenger plane is "people" of hijacking!!! "Alien", or is outside the solar system, "the universe" hijacked to the space of the universe to!!!

(two), three "time node"
Admiral, "our military scholar Luo aid research in three time nodes": the first time node 370 plane crash time is March 8 1 21 points; then Malaysian Air Force Commander Dawood said in 2 17 points, the military aircraft found a unidentified flying objects. Finally, he denied the. Later he confirmed, historicity, this is the second time node, the node is the aircraft by the Malaysian airspace; the third time node is he said, eight hours after the aircraft still in with the satellite signal, it flew 8 hours, indicating that the aircraft is lost, but it is not out of control, it is still flying.
I have quoted Luo three "time", combing my "guess" as follows:
At 0:00 on March 8, 48 aircraft take-off. 1:21 lost contact. Only flight 33 minutes would be stricken lost contact, for a skilled driver, the good performance of the aircraft is unthinkable things. Investigate the reasons for its lost contact, my "guess" is for "unidentified flying object", although military aircraft were found to be after 56 minutes. Why are still flying eight hours later, the plane is still with the satellite has relation to the signal. This is because although hijacked but don't leave the atmosphere.
Malaysia Airlines aircraft lost contact until may turn reentrant plot, and extraordinary changes in altitude, aircraft control of airspace radar depth quite understand, super high and super low flying is to evade radar tracking. And several times to change course. All these show that the aircraft itself and no fault, just industry has been identified as the "hijackers" interference, plane exist control and anti control continue to contest.
"UFO" (alien) not only confirmed there, and is within three key time node ". Within third time nodes, abnormal situations (the U-turn, reentry) on the plane, if the idea is for personnel, can be explained through, caused by after eight hours of flight and the non disappear without a trace, as is the alien aircraft personnel! Because of hijacking, twelve days on earth" successfully hijacked, not people live and die machine; failure to destroy, can not see the wreckage. That is to say, to make the plane disappear on the earth, the earth is fundamental no one can do. Because most of the ordinary civil aircraft and military aircraft are unable to reach such a high "cosmic speed", to get rid of the earth's gravity, leave the atmosphere smoothly to reach beyond the solar system. This kind of space to space travel, only Hijack the aliens could have done it. They can Malaysia Airlines aircraft operator uniforms, quickly Malaysia Airlines passenger plane subtly connected with the "UFO" into a whole, will run out of fuel on the plane firmly "tied" and in accordance with their intention to "drag" the fly away. Therefore, the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, has been "unidentified flying object" (aliens) to their hometown, the space of the universe a planet, is not a figment of the imagination, but according to the inferred!

According to the 2016,11,5, phoenix TV reported: netizen plane photographed giant UFO is bigger than the mountain. Thus you can imagine, just a civilian planes, don't have to force of blowing can easily going to hijack!!!!

Unless in the future sometime, somewhere on earth, there are long-term hidden Malaysia Airlines aircraft, or find the explosion or crash wreckage!

(three) who hijacked the plane
Expert: five days later, the authorities lost contact with the aircraft may be "hijacked" reported today, clear "is one of the one of the pilots or other hijacked people driving experience, but still do not know temporarily hijacking motives, and why would choose Malaysia Airlines passenger plane. But he stressed, hijacking, is not speculation, but the conclusion."
In the expert "hijacked" mentality and I am. Just be agree without prior without previous consultation, "hijacked" who is with me, be quite different.
First official reported that the plane lost contact with the aircraft was hijacked. The aircraft lost contact with the seven days, from the plane's fuel this simple
Common sense is concerned, obviously in energy plane is gone, difficult to continue flight conditions, in view of this, or is lost
The plane has landed safely, or is undoubtedly unfortunate crash! However, rescue a week, neither found any of this aircraft landing
The clue of beads Sima and no enough evidence to search out the debris machine crash, it is lost to aircraft without a trace, personnel
Life and death two boundless! And, in general, the usual human "hijacking", no matter what the purpose, "hijacking" is more
With and be "hijacked", fearful machine die; even "hijacked" success, seven days time scale,
Large scale, high-tech rescue, should grasp the landing range of clues. Because the world has grown to become the earth science and technology "
The global village ", its proximity to the South China Sea, East China Sea, even the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, but also such as near the village of rivers and lakes. Unfortunately, has not yet been any landing signal! In view of this, this idea is some ability not equal to one's ambition to reluctantly, its credibility is minimal.
Indeed, the aircraft lost contact literally should be irresistible factors in, but we must from the traditional point of view, to non conventional direction to consider.
I guess if in accordance with the idea, the aircraft lost contact is "alien" or "universe" to "hijack", the explanation seems to be the mystery disappears, much more smoothly. From the high-tech detection equipment to the so-called "UFO", in fact, is perhaps the "alien" or "universe" or itself the carrier, but our "Earth people" used to see his mortal image, and they can not assert that they absolutely ignorant of it. The four-dimensional space of "people", the people of earth and three-dimensional space are quite different. Some plants on earth odd tree, to melt, phagocytosis of violation of its animal; Cordyceps "that is a worm in winter, summer grass; the ancient Knight came and went without a trace, let a person feel the magic; and" alien "or" universe "is a shadow tangible, a trace to trace, they move on more people feel the magic A whirling, magical unimaginable! Malaysia Airlines passenger plane lost contact and turn the reason, experience, because the "alien" or "universe" caused by unexpected hijacking. Unfortunately, his whereabouts from the outset we ignore. So I guess, Malaysia Airlines 370 passenger aircraft has been in a cosmic space a planet safe landing, 200 passengers and crew safe and sound life. They like our earth inadvertently in the primeval forest caught a group of obscure rare animal that was brought home to put in the cage. Confused and disoriented to stay there, "the alien" or "universe" as the monster watch about a strange and eccentric, and research a mile.
I guess this is of course, is excluded from the usual bold guess many kinds of situations. This is my obscure plain
The son of the aircraft lost contact guess, of course, can not be with the father of the great mathematics of Chen Jingrun Goldbach's famous "conjecture" on the same day and
Words, but today, I was more determined (not dare to believe) this "guess", because I do not want to listen to
We heard the news of the brethren of earth. Now we can only wait for the final to confirm or deny the truth of my guess
Want to.

(four) terrorist hijackings, difficult to set up
Expert: on the tenth day, reported and confirmed on the plane without any explosives. Aircraft height of the ultra conventional or "faint" machine, so that the loss of consciousness, to stop using a mobile phone to send an alert to the ground staff. Also identified, after the aircraft lost still flying 7,5 - 8 hours. By government and judgment already excluded air explosion and crash, "sea", has the possibility of "terrorist successful hijackings" tilt. And "hijackers" is "Earth people" in the plane.
I: Malaysia Airlines 370 aircraft to a safe landing, will need to satisfy a condition, that is to "dawn"! But the investigation of several areas lost when possible landing, and it is still in the pre dawn darkness. Even though there may be landed on the island airport, remote small airport or Military airports, how to hide after landing? How to accommodate passengers or "hostages"? It is hard to imagine a proper way to compare works. And these are beyond technical field, enter the political scope of insider trading complex, it is not easily predicted things. Besides, the light is on this huge monster Malaysia Airlines 370 the plane, and more than and 200 fresh life ten days of daily life, to be hidden into the unknown, it is impossible, impossible. Also, more and more clues pointing to "terrorist hijacking", but did not get Clues to any organization or individual appeal, organize the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks, in Malaysia Airlines flight 370 lost contact with the first ten days, about who hijacked the plane, the plane where, there is still no a specific point, it seems somewhat justified the.

(five) it is impossible to go to the South Pole.
Expert: according to the 2015,2,25 news: Malcolm Brenner, is the world's top aviation disaster experts. Since the disappearance of flight MH370, Brunner team led the investigation research, trying to unravel the mystery of the missing aircraft. Recently, their investigation has made an important breakthrough. "This special plane crash has attracted the world's attention. This is I have seen in the past 40 years of occupation career." Brenner said, his team found that the analysis of satellite data, MH370 aircraft lost contact after flying for hours, "the last one on the radio and control center, MH370 Po three bends in the air, the first two are continuous turn left to lead the aircraft to fly routes West, then south to the Antarctic to fly."
I went to the south pole of the MH370 how many possibilities for the two aspects of thinking.
The Chinese from the pole is half the earth's distance (i.e. 1,8 million km); the Antarctic continent recently 0,95 million km; Beijing to China Zhongshan Station 1,2 million km; Beijing to the Great Wall Station 1,7 million kilometers away from the mainland China. Airliner cruising speed of 900 km / hour.MH370 off the confidential Feida Antarctica, at least more than eleven hours time. And the fuel in the aircraft is clearly not enough; moreover, Brenner says "aircraft lost contact after also flying hours," visible did not reach over Antarctica, abducted by aliens 370 aircraft has been put off toward the earth space to fly the!
"Report of the Australian Department of Defense Science and Technology Group officially confirmed that lost before the power failure leads to 370 of two automatic report system and other key function failure, resulting in the cockpit of panic." "had only five hours of flight spent 7 hours and 38 minutes". How can that do not conform to the common sense of judgment to it? One is impossible to stick to more than seven hours of flight, the second is panic hours on the plane, how can not escape by parachute?? furthermore, "the report said and had widely rumored that the Department of aircraft intentional landing said law contradiction."
Second, even if luck can be flown Antarctica, where will it land? The Antarctic is not the airport, the key is to find a wide berth aircraft, and even in some places, thermal airplanes is likely to melt the ice, causing the chassis instability, crash, so no one believes in the establishment of the airport is a good decision. Ross Mike Moldow of the United States Antarctic Island Station, wearing a fur Parka passengers down the C-17 transport. The airport is the world's 7 seat ice is one of the most feared airport, even in the best case, this simple airport is in an unstable state, and to bring no small difficulty. So a large passenger plane carrying two hundred people, you will find it hard to imagine there will be safe in landing. Besides, is still alive, put so much debris, search and rescue forces, nearly a year's time In the past, why have not been found in the Antarctic it?
Thus I am confident that experts breakthrough on my "guess" does not constitute any degree of challenge! Because from their "MH370 in the air for three times the left corner, then south to the Antarctic to analysis" that is still my "guess" in "unidentified flying aircraft" there was hijacked lost, lost control and was wrapped up ". Therefore," striking one snag after another "breakthrough" only marked the way, hijacked MH370 passenger choice toward the south south pole left the earth, does not have that eventually lost to aircraft to any South Pole. Not to mention what is "important" and "breakthrough" progress. In short, Brunner experts they still failed to do so "unlock the mystery of the missing aircraft"!

(six), "missing" and "crash"
Expert: MH370 lost, missing, whereabouts a mystery 300 days, Malaysia civil aviation bureau director Aziz Halu Ding, according to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (i.e. "Chicago Convention") annex the first chapter of the "aircraft missing" explanation "in the official search work has been completed still can not find the wreckage, that the aircraft disappeared in January 29th." 6 pm, the state broadcaster TV1 reported on the latest progress of the MH370 event, announced that Malaysia Airlines MH370 plane crash, which means that the accident has happened. All 239 passengers and then presumed machine (including 154 China citizens) and the crew had been killed. However the report still clearly "unfortunately, the 327 day since all efforts still did not find the aircraft position"
Earlier, in late March 24, 2014 10, Malaysia Airlines held an emergency press conference, said that according to the maritime satellite Inmarsat and the British air accident investigation bureau, the flight lost contact with the end in South India ocean, the survey took a hitherto unknown analysis method, the statement triggered international media a question. In fact, the "end" (end) is a very vague statement, it is not equal to the "missing" (lost), is also different from the "crash" or "crash" (crash) (accident). The Malaysia Airlines used such a statement, the reason is very complicated. One important factor is solidbacking corresponding to the use of foreign legal concept statement, not found in the wreckage of the situation to determine whether the crash incident itself is a very difficult thing.
Your humble servant: aircraft lost, missing and crash, the plane of the three kinds of safety state. According to the definition of < International Civil Aviation Convention > attachments 13< aircraft accident and accident Symptom Survey >, and has still not found the reality of the aircraft position "it seems, I think, 370 aircraft is still only in the missing state, did not reach the degree of" crash "" accident has occurred and! Therefore I want to say, this "machine of all 239 passengers and crew have been killed," the conclusion, there is no any basis too early.
If further according to I guess thinking to make a judgment, 370 is unidentified flying objects (aliens) hijacked to the space of the universe on a planet to a safe landing, thus 370 is still only in the state of lost contact, not missing, but not crash.

(seven) conjecture is expected to come true
Successively by 25 countries participation, which lasted more than two years, the use of underwater acoustic detectors, underwater navigation equipment "bluefin tuna - 21" search, wreckage found in Reunion Island indeed and 370 with a model of a Boeing 777. But such models has had four serious accident. Can not be identified is mh370.
In Mauritius found wreckage almost certainly came from Malaysia Airlines 370 aircraft. Almost certainly? "Almost" meaning is: will be near; close to; nearly. With great uncertainty. Compared to that found in South Africa in the south of the town of Mossel Bay near the coast of a piece of wreckage is suspected mh370. And only by one or two pieces of uncertainty remains, is still difficult to unravel the 370 lost contact with the mystery.
As the saying goes "ship does not see the needle on the ship seeking", according to this simple truth, searching for more than two years, 370 aircraft is still no any compelling clues, can be said that the earth would have no trace of it, even had no show that it still on earth any signs and clues. It is so far no practical questions.
Today, humble although not on their own "guess" provide any conclusive evidence. However, developments did not any can I guess plot basis; as long as the earth does not appear to be hidden Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, or can not find the explosion or crash wreckage, I guess, have a become difficult to rule out the possibility of true whereabouts of a great possibility.
Therefore, according to my "guess", Malaysia Airlines 370 aircraft has two years ago, known as the "UFO" hijacking, has in the space of the universe on a planet to a safe landing, two hundred passengers and crew has in the new environment, safe life more than 700 more on the ball!
Thank God for letting me "guess" withstand the test of time for more than two years, I guess has become the true maximum likelihood.

(eight) information from the outside of the Milky way
There are a lot of news reports about UFO in recent years, such as:
The telescope receives 5 unidentified signals, or from the outside of the galaxy.
On 29 November 2015 according to reports in the Daily Express English < > (Daily Express), Australia New South Wales Parkes radio telescope received double radio signals with four single signal, to analyze the signal of astronomers confused.
The global past only recorded 11 unknown instant radio pulse.
Found this signal team one of the University of Melbourne Xuan bin Pan Cuifu (Petroff Emily) believes that the source of the signal may be more noteworthy than in the past.
She tweeted: "we don't know what it is, but it's very cool"
"UFO Investigation Handbook" (UFO investigations manual) author Watson (Nigel Watson) said: "from outer space of each rare signal have prompted us to conjecture, whether from an alien civilization."
Watson said: "this is absolutely let UFO observation have the opportunity to say, is that there are aliens, and to us very interested, you just don't believe it." (Taiwan United Daily News compile)
Previously, 2015-08-14 84 year old Mitchell told British < daily mirror network > "extraterrestrial intelligence in this area very interested." they want to see our military capabilities and tried several times to stop us war, earth to help maintain a state of peace. "" in the Pacific naval bases along the officer told me, their missiles are often downed alien spacecraft. Mitchell had previously said, he imagined alien appearance and traditional small, big head, eyes image is similar, and that our technology is far less than that of the alien advanced, if they have hostile, mankind would perish.
Lenovo slightly, the that after a lapse of one year and eight months, from outside the Milky way, let the experts temporarily unable to decipher messages (5 unidentified signal), greatly touched my sensitive nerves, always feel nine times out of ten is 370 hijackers -- aliens about 370 aircraft and 239 personnel informed or contact signal. Therefore, there is an urgent need to decipher from outside the Milky way the extraordinary, essential unknown signals to and alien contact, and steadily will and 370 timely reclaim earth, hence the good wishes of the families of the passengers "loved ones still alive!

(nine) the proposal to open a new research topic
Actually, "aliens" or "universe" hijacked aircraft not enemies of people on earth, it can be said, not necessarily for any malicious, just "we (the earth) is interested in", had never seen the MAS 370 aircraft feel curious and trifle cite, or sometimes just a hoax, although the earth for us to bring inexplicable, the unintended consequences of disaster and panic.

I hope the relevant countries and the international community to this rare aircraft lost contact events, two pronged strategy. That is, don't give up in the search and rescue at the same time, with the international level research center jointly carry out the mysteries of the universe and the "alien", "universe" communicate scientific research task, therefore, we must as soon as possible to urge the Malaysian side to open the "UFO" the status and whereabouts, especially with what appeared on it easily identified as "friendly, non threatening" conclusion careful review, immediately make a detailed description, and then carry out careful research. In fact, with the aircraft lost contact and the emergence of the "UFO" still, not by the international community, experts and the media attention, even the least attention has never had, I was very puzzling.

Author Xu Huasheng 2017,2,20,
China Anhui province Wangjiang County Finance Bureau dormitory is Lane No. 4-7
Tel: 18297730940

About the author:

Xu Huasheng, pseudonym Leilei, 43 years old, male, Anhui Wangjiang people. College culture, the economist, the fifth county CPPCC members. Former level Kaoban director, vice president of accounting school letter, the Secretary-General Association of Abacus Financial Bureau and other staff. He loves music, good folk instruments. Amateur opera accompaniment engaged, promote national essence. 1978 literature, poetry published hundreds of articles four (first). Collection "love love wave Tao", Beijing Publishing; anthology "Blue Dream", Haikou published. Two books have been collected by the national, provincial, municipal and county levels library. Communication set "glow of geese fly together," published by the Jilin University press release, poetry couplets set "humble pen described Shenzhou" published by Taiwan Lingling Press. "Manufacturers have some works income" Wangjiang County, "Hong Kong, China Economic Publishing House made" Chinese contemporary technology galaxy of talent "," Chinese expert pool "," contemporary Chinese Book of Songs "and" sing the new song of the century "and other more than twenty large dictionaries and poetry collection.
















马航MH370生死未卜。20157月,MH370客舱乘务总管家属Jacquita Gonzales说:“我们在无数次经历过山车般的冲击后逐渐平静,….但心里,仍希望他们能在某个地方活着。”Jacquita的丈夫Patrick Gomes曾是MH370的客舱乘务总管。













鄙人:那么,马航370客机究竟是到哪儿去了呢?!我在纷繁复杂的报导中反复浏览时,发觉五六天的搜救,似乎大大地明显地忽略了一个重要的事实情节,一个堪称关键的情节,那就是出现过“不明飞行物”,在轻描淡写中被疏漏,致使数日的搜救没有出现突破性进展。然而记述不多的有关“不明飞行物”的文字,让我也几番忽略后,猛然驻目沉思半日。“军方称早前雷达发现的不明飞行物,马方否认事发当天凌晨击落过不明飞行物,并可确定是友好、无有威胁的,因此没有也不会采取措施,否则会通知战斗机采取必要行动。”廖廖数语间那“不明飞行物”五个字针刺一样展示于我眼前,竟让我突然迸发出魔幻般的奇思妙想来!我的第六感迅即断定:马航客机被“人” 劫持了!!!被“外星人”、抑或是太阳系以外的“宇宙人”劫持到宇宙太空中去了!!!












先说官方报导的失联客机被人劫持”。 客机失联已七天了,从飞机上的燃料这个简单





















专家:据2015,2,25讯:马尔科姆布伦纳,是航空灾难领域的世界级顶尖专家。自马航MH370失踪后,布伦纳带领其团队展开调查研究,试图解开客机失踪之谜。最近,他们的调查取得重要突破。“这起奇特的空难事故吸引了全世界的注意力,这是我在过去40年的职业生涯中前所未见的。” 布伦纳说,他的团队分析卫星数据后发现,MH370客机失联之后还飞行了好几个小时,“与管制中心进行最后一通无线电通话后,MH370在空中拐了三次弯,最先两次是连续向左拐引领客机飞航线以西,然后南行向南极飞去”。






















《澳望远镜接收到5个不明信号 或来自银河系外》

20151129据英国《每日快报》(Daily Express)报导,澳洲新南韦尔斯帕克斯无线电望远镜接收到双重无线电信号伴随着4个单信号,让分析讯号的天文学家感到困惑。


发现此信号团队之一墨尔本旋宾科技大学的潘崔夫(Emily Petroff)认为,信号来源可能比过去更值得注意。


“幽浮调查手册”(UFO Investigations Manual)作者华生(Nigel Watson)说:“来自外太空的每个罕见信号都促使我们猜想,是否来自外星文明。”



此前,2015-08-14  84岁的米切尔告诉英国《每日镜报网》“地外智慧生物对这个地区很有兴趣。“他们想了解我们的军事能力,而且数次试图阻止我们发动战争,帮助地球维持和平状态。”“在太平洋沿海军事基地工作的军官也告诉我,他们的导弹经常被外星人飞船击落”。米切尔此前曾表示,他想象中的外星人的容貌与传统的小个、大头、大眼的形象是类似的,并称我们的技术远远不及外星人的先进,如果他们有敌意,人类早就灭亡了。



















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